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How to Save Trees and Save Planet

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Save Trees and Save Planet

How to Save Trees and Save Planet

32% of the earth’s surface is covered by green leafy plants. We depend on trees for many reasons, especially for the air we breathe. It helps maintain the biodiversity of the planet. Yet we do not value this natural resource and destroy it by cutting down trees in the name of civilization and practicing deforestation for our selfish interests, without realizing the damage we will do. .

We all know how valuable trees are to our survival and to all other living things on this planet. They are the most precious source of life on this earth.

The tree nourishes and protects us and keeps the environment green and gives us many aesthetic values. Therefore, we must do everything to protect the trees and save them before they disappear completely. It protects us from extreme heat and sunlight. They filter the air around us by filtering out all the toxins and odors from the environment. They give us oxygen which is essential for our survival. They provide a diversity of flora and fauna. Apart from all these, trees also give us food and medicine. It protects us from soil erosion and also helps in food control. Thus, we must plant more forests and stop the process of deforestation and habitat destruction. We all should do our part to save trees and spread awareness about planting more trees as it will help us all and future generations. Without trees, there will be no future at all and it is important for us to realize this and take action before it is too late.

The speech can be presented in different ways, such as a long speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth or a short speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth.

Good morning everyone, save the trees and save the planet thank you for the opportunity to speak on such an important topic. When one thinks of the most important factor for survival, the answer that always comes to our mind is wind. Air is important to all living things, be it animals or humans. Trees that cover 32% of the Earth’s surface provide us with this air.

Planet trees act as lungs in our body and purify the air we breathe. It is because of the presence of trees that we breathe fresh air. As trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen which is the main source of life for all living organisms. The more trees there are on the planet, the fresher and cleaner the air we breathe.

Man’s attempt to live outside of nature is paying us an unfortunate price. This drive of civilization and modernization is damaging the environment and hence the planet irreversibly. When humans violate nature, the planet suffers and we suffer the harmful consequences. Let’s understand how.

The path to civilization is mostly through the destruction of natural resources.

Humans see trees as an obstacle to modernity, that is, they see them as getting in the way of building more buildings and roads. So they tend to deforestation, which is the act of cutting down trees. When trees are cut down, they create more houses and offices on the land.

Deforestation creates many unnatural things that disrupt the balance of nature. Deforestation increases air pollution and increases global warming. Animals lose their home and shelter, soil quality in areas where deforestation is done is degraded due to untimely removal of tree roots which leads to soil erosion.

Save Trees and Save Planet

As their population is only increasing, it is important to plant more trees so that the next generation can live breathing fresh air. If deforestation continues, the planet will not be able to sustain future generations due to this imbalance.

The best way to solve this problem is to avoid deforestation and plant trees. We should all try to save our home, which is the planet Earth. Planting even one tree can save many lives.

Now is the time to step up and save the natural beauty of the planet that nurtures all living and breathing creatures. When trees save, they save lives and inevitably save the planet. Saving trees and saving the planet is a motto we should all live by. Let’s leave a green planet for the next generation. Spread the word and take action to save trees and thus we can save the planet.

Save Trees and Save Planet

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